Josh’s Story

Josh’s support through MYA Navigators.
Where did they start?
Josh is 14 years’ old and lives at home with his Mum and younger brother. When Josh injured his hand punching a wall during a fight with his brother, his mum took him to Alder Hey A&E. On seeing his injuries, staff referred Josh to Navigators.
What did we do?
During the first meeting with Navigator Katy, it was identified that Josh was struggling to handle his emotions and was currently awaiting mental health support. He had also recently started at a new school. After expressing his interest in music, Josh was referred into the MYA Noise project to develop his skills and meet new young people. He was also referred into YPAS for extra support coping with his emotions and mental health.
Navigator Katy continued working with Josh and his mum for three months, during which time he was assigned a CAMHS mentor in school.
Where are they now?
Josh is now working with his YPAS worker to understand and handle his emotions better, efforts that will hopefully be further supported when work with CAMHS begins.
Both Josh and his mum reported that the referral into the Noise project made a real difference, giving him a positive activity to engage with outside of school which ‘really helps to detach from his worries’. The whole process has also positively impacted Josh’s relationship with his brother and his behaviour at home.
Family Feedback…
‘‘I would just like to say this year has been very difficult and challenging, but the support me and my son…have received from Katy has been fantastic. …The Noise group really helps him detach from his worries and knowing he has someone other than me to share things with is a big help.’’