Louise’s Story

Reception and Facilities Supervisor
I’m responsible for ensuring that the reception area provides a high-quality service at all times, from overseeing the physical space to managing and marketing our Facilities for Hire, and making sure all our receptionists present a welcoming face to MYA.
How it began
I first walked through MYA’s doors in 2001 after leaving school – it was my first ever job! I was completing an NVQ Level 2 in Business Admin at JHP Training College when a 6-month administration placement at MYA came up. I was really pleased when MYA contacted the college after the interview to say I had been successful.
Six months after completing my NVQ I was offered a permanent position at MYA’s 408 Project office in Bootle. Whilst there, I completed all the admin duties two days a week and was based at MYA Hanover Street the other three. I’ve undertaken a range of other administrative duties since then, including supporting Halewood Youth Club and providing a secretarial role for the Chief Executive’s Office.
Why MYA?
I feel so lucky to be helping young people needing support, because I was one of them once. Thankfully my manager recognised my potential and decided to invest in me. In 2004 I was offered a permanent position on the reception desk and have never looked back. 22 years after starting, I’m a Supervisor. I truly believe I would not have been where I am today without the support of my manager and colleagues within the Support Services team.
The best bit
The most rewarding part of my job is seeing the young people that come through MYA’s doors getting the help and support that they need, whether this be through building their confidence and self-esteem, achieving their goals, learning, or getting help with their health and emotional wellbeing. Every day is always different, and I love meeting new young people and working with the different organisations that come through MYA’s doors.